Cybersecurity consultancy

Allowing you to do business in confidence, with seamless transition and without fear of a cyber attack.


The importance of a mature cybersecurity strategy

As the technological world has evolved and become undeniably digital, cyber attacks have evolved along side it. Security must also measure up and a holistic approach is necessary, which can be complex and challenging. Organisations need to have a mature and layered security strategy which takes appropriate precautions, educates staff and follows compliancy standards.

Managed Services V2

Flow's approach

Every organisation has different requirements and capabilities when it comes to cybersecurity. We know it's not 'one size fits all'. Drawing on our wealth of technical expertise, our professional services are one-off projects to advise on and maximise the capability of your infrastructure to build strong systems that don’t just serve you today, but can adapt to the introduction of new technologies, the changing security landscape and business growth.

Our value offerings

Pen Testing Green

Penetration testing

CNS, part of the Flow group, have expert penetration testing capabilities and are CREST approved. The cybersecurity team will complete testing under real attack conditions replicating non-invasive hacker techniques and can advise on how to remediate any vulnerabilities identified.

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Audit Green

Security audits

Through thorough assessment we will establish what policies, technology solutions and protection you have in place to ascertain the level of security these are providing. Recommendations will be provided by our expert engineers with the support required to implement them.

CE & CE+ Green

Cyber Essentials & Cyber Essentials Plus

CNS, part of the Flow group, are one of the largest cyber certification bodies in the UK. We provide you with the support and expertise you need to achieve the Government Certifications, addressing any points of failure, to ensure compliance and optimal security. 

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Cyber Training Green

Phishing & cyber awareness training

Through tutorials and tests this service offers customers better understanding of Phishing motivations and methodologies, reducing business risk and improving employee cyber awareness.

why flow-2-1

Why Flow for cybersecurity consultancy?

  • Security is built into the fabric of all our solutions offering wide-ranging knowledge and expertise
  • We pride ourselves on our trusted, business focussed consultancy
  • Trusted relationships with world leading vendors providing best-of-breed technology
  • Giving you confidence that you can operate continuously without disruption

Your local partner for global solutions

Flow focus on providing efficient solutions to organisations enabling them to do business in confidence, with seamless transition and without fear of a cybersecurity attack. Bringing over 15 years of experience at the highest level, building trusted relationships with customers and supporting them wherever they are on their digital journey. Cybersecurity is built into the fabric of all our solutions, enabling secure and confident business operations.